Foxes and Family

Foxes have strong family tendencies. Some examples will illustrate the concept.

Most people do not realize that foxes have strong family tendencies. Some examples will illustrate the concept. (1) Usually the pups stay with the family 7 to 10 months after which they will go out on their own. But sometimes the female pup will stay around and help her mother (Foxy) with the new pups. (2) When the female fox, Kevie, got mange and passed it onto her pups, she realized that something was very wrong. She had lost all of her previous litter of pups. After the mysterious death of two new pups, Kevie brought the remaining pups to me for help. That is when I began treating the pups for mange as well. When Kevie came, she brought the whole family. To see the joy of Kevie and the pups when they began to heal was invigorating. (3) The individual foxes would make cameo appearances after their healing as if to say thank you. Many times this was in broad daylight.

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